The Matcha Alternatives Blog
~ Infuse your life with tea! ~
A fully referenced, anti-pseudoscience exploration into the glorious world of tea science. We publish once per week, with posts ranging from cool tea science to delicious recipes to how to have fun with tea!
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Best Teas & Herbals for Lowering Blood Pressure: How Can Tea Help Hypertension?
Posted by Matcha Alternatives
A crucial question for today - how can we reduce our blood pressure? Read on for the best teas to reduce hypertension, whether true teas, herbals or adaptogens. Tea can be do amazing things for cardiovascular health, let us show you the research steeped into digestible chunks by our tea scientist.
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A crucial question for today - how can we reduce our blood pressure? Read on for the best teas to reduce hypertension, whether true teas, herbals or adaptogens. Tea can be do amazing things for cardiovascular health, let us show you the research steeped into digestible chunks by our tea scientist.
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Are Tea, Coffee or Caffeine Good or Bad for Your Liver? What Teas Are Best?
Posted by Stephany Morgan
Coffee, tea and herbal teas are all linked to liver health, protecting against injury + liver fibrosis and slowing liver disease. But not all teas do the same thing - some are even bad. Learn what teas are good for your liver, tea vs coffee vs caffeine for liver health, and why liver ‘cleanses’ are not good for you!
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Coffee, tea and herbal teas are all linked to liver health, protecting against injury + liver fibrosis and slowing liver disease. But not all teas do the same thing - some are even bad. Learn what teas are good for your liver, tea vs coffee vs caffeine for liver health, and why liver ‘cleanses’ are not good for you!
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Ultimate Guide to Brewing Tea and Tisanes
Posted by Elizabeth Taeed
A definitive guide to how to brew herbal and true teas. Pure teas, like black, green and white tea, brew differently than herbal teas like rooibos, chamomile, yerba mate or tulsi. Learn how to brew moringa powder, iced tea + cold brew tea rules of thumb, which brewing method has more caffeine, which teas burn, & more.
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A definitive guide to how to brew herbal and true teas. Pure teas, like black, green and white tea, brew differently than herbal teas like rooibos, chamomile, yerba mate or tulsi. Learn how to brew moringa powder, iced tea + cold brew tea rules of thumb, which brewing method has more caffeine, which teas burn, & more.
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Is Cold Brew Tea Better for You? Antioxidants in Iced Tea vs Hot Brew (Antiox Part 10)
Posted by Stephany Morgan
Diving into how brewing changes the antioxidant levels of different teas: How does water temperature affect taste? Cold brewing black vs green vs oolong vs white tea: Which has the most antioxidants? And what about antioxidant levels for red vs green rooibos iced tea? How to get the most antioxidants out of your tea, whichever method you try!
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Diving into how brewing changes the antioxidant levels of different teas: How does water temperature affect taste? Cold brewing black vs green vs oolong vs white tea: Which has the most antioxidants? And what about antioxidant levels for red vs green rooibos iced tea? How to get the most antioxidants out of your tea, whichever method you try!
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How to Compost & Fertilize with Tea Leaves for the Home Gardener
Posted by Matcha Alternatives
Reduce your waste by recycling your tea leaves. For a full garden or just a few indoor plants, composting is an ingenious way to keep your plants healthy and reduce your food waste! Liven up your garden with the ins and outs of looseleaf and bagged tea leaves as fertilizer to help keep your garden beau-TEA-ful!
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Reduce your waste by recycling your tea leaves. For a full garden or just a few indoor plants, composting is an ingenious way to keep your plants healthy and reduce your food waste! Liven up your garden with the ins and outs of looseleaf and bagged tea leaves as fertilizer to help keep your garden beau-TEA-ful!