Something about books and tea seems to naturally draw them together. Perhaps it’s because books are healthy for the mind, while tea is healthy for the body. Or perhaps they’re just both great additions to a relaxing afternoon!
Whatever the case, I (and a lot of other people) adore reading while drinking tea. As such, I thought I’d share some of my favorite books along with some teas that you should totally drink while reading them. Whether you’re into ...
- Thrillers
- Literary fiction
- Science fiction
- Comedy
- Classics
… I’ve got the recommendation for you! Let’s get into our literary journey.
1. Best Book for Thriller Lovers: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
I love reading thrillers, and I credit Gone Girl with starting my obsession. Not only is it beautifully written, but the tension grabs you from the very first page and good luck tearing yourself away after that.
This book tells the story of Nick Dunn, whose wife, Amy, disappears on their fifth wedding anniversary. Nick immediately falls under suspicion, and he has to work to clear his name and prove he didn't murder his wife.
The book is told in alternating chapters between Nick’s perspective and Amy’s diary entries leading up to her disappearance, and neither of them are, shall we say, totally reliable. As a reader, it’s a brilliant puzzle to try and piece together, right up to the very end when all is revealed and your mind is blown.
Best Tea for Thriller Lovers: Roasted Ginger Chai Yerba Mate
Fall is on the way, so let’s be honest, most of us are reaching for a chai anyway. But you’re going to need a warming drink to combat all the chills that you’ll get from reading Gone Girl!
This particular chai tea blend is simply gorgeous, with warming gingery notes and a caffeine boost from the yerba mate and black tea combo. It also uses 100% natural flavors and contains no added sweeteners. Delicious and healthy? Yes please!
This tea uses a base of roasted yerba mate, an herbal tea that has caffeine levels approaching that of coffee. It comes from South America and contains a ton of nutrients, plus a ridiculously high antioxidant content.
To learn more about yerba mate, its benefits, and how to brew it best, check out our spotlight post!
2. Best Book for Literary Fiction Lovers: There, There by Tommy Orange
Tommy Orange’s debut novel, There, There, is an explosive examination of modern-day urban Native American life. Its masterful writing and timely themes earned it several major awards, and it was even a finalist for the 2019 Pulitzer Prize.
There, There isn’t an easy book to read, but it’s massively important, and even just the opening essay will leave you breathless. It weaves together several different characters’ stories, playing with tense and perspective in a truly inventive way.
Add a hint of magic, and you’ve got the recipe for a gripping literary novel that will be on book club reading lists and taught in college classes for years to come!
Best Tea for Literary Fiction Lovers: Twilight Rose White Tea
While There, There has a timeless quality with a touch of magic, Matcha Alternatives’ Twilight Rose White Tea has a classic base with a touch of delicious rose. Its moderate caffeine level is perfect for fueling your reading session.
White tea has a higher caffeine content and more antioxidants than green tea, thanks to its minimally processed and young leaves. This tea blend has a Pai Mu Tan base - a quintessential white tea with a rich flavor that melds beautifully with the rose petals, creating a truly stunning companion for any literary novel.
For a guide on brewing the perfect white tea, check out our dedicated blog post!
And if you love rose petals in your tea, check out our Under The Tuscan Pure Italian Rose Petals from our new Blend@Home range. They make for a luxurious addition to most any pure tea - so if you want to elevate your reading experience with some floral goodness, you know what to do.
3. Best Book for Science Fiction Lovers: The Martian by Andy Weir
This one’s for all you nerds out there! I love astronomy and space in general, so this story about an astronaut trapped on Mars was right up my alley.
Aside from the compelling voice and unforgettable main character, The Martian is a gloriously geeky imagining of how a mission to Mars could actually work, complete with explanations of how the technology involved might function … or not function, as the case may be.
The Martian was made into a movie in 2015, and while I totally loved the film, a lot of details understandably got cut out from the book. So even if you’ve already seen the movie, I definitely recommend reading the book for the full experience.
Best Tea for Science Fiction Lovers: Glorious Genmaicha Green Tea
While The Martian’s sciencey explanations are super interesting, it doesn’t hurt to give yourself a little boost to keep up. Matcha Alternatives’ Glorious Genmaicha Green Tea has a moderate caffeine level and a warm, nutty flavor to engage your taste buds, making it a great tea for both energy and focus .
Genmaicha is a traditional Japanese green tea mixed with roasted brown rice. It’s sometimes referred to as “popcorn tea,” since some of the rice grains tend to pop during the roasting process as well as from the flavor of course.
In general, green tea is a go-to tea for focus, and it has a crazy number of other benefits as well. To learn more about green tea, including the difference between Chinese and Japanese green teas and their health benefits, check out our post on the subject.
4. Best Book for Comedy Lovers: Where’d You Go, Bernadette? by Maria Semple
Where’d You Go, Bernadette? is a comic novel about a misanthropic celebrity architect, Bernadette Fox, who suddenly disappears one day. Then, it’s up to Bernadette’s teenage daughter, Bee, to track her down and find out more about why her mother might have left.
This book was recently made into a film starring Cate Blanchett, but while I enjoyed the movie, the book is definitely better (as most book nerds will tell you about any movie adaptation ever). It’s hilarious, heartwarming, and you can picture Cate Blanchett as the main character - what’s not to love?
Best Tea for Comedy Lovers: Blueberry Lemon Cake White Tea
A quirky book requires a quirky tea, and Matcha Alternatives’ Blueberry Lemon Cake White Tea is just that. With a name like this, you know you won't be disappointed! It’s deliciously fruity and creamy, with 100% natural flavor and no added sweeteners (like all our teas!) - just a delicious healthy treat!
As mentioned above, white tea contains a huge amount of antioxidants, and gives a better caffeine boost than green tea. To make sure your white tea gets brewed to perfection, check out our brewing guide here.
5. Best Book for Fans of Classics: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
An oldie but a goodie! Pride and Prejudice has had an enormous influence on literature and pop culture, and it only gets more enjoyable with every read.
Jane Austen’s acerbic wit, spot-on characterization, and unforgettable storylines make her an old favorite author of mine. Her stories are almost like comfort food - but sophisticated comfort food that you can feel smart reading!
Best Tea for Fans of Classics: Classy Earl Grey Rooibos
Of course, you can’t read Jane Austen without picking a quintessentially English comfort-tea like Earl Grey. However, as the name implies, Matcha Alternatives’ Classy Earl Grey Rooibos is made with a rooibos instead of a black tea base, giving it a slightly sweeter, woodier flavor than traditional Earl Grey.
Like Pride and Prejudice, Classy Earl Grey Rooibos is both highly enjoyable and good for you. It’s completely caffeine-free, making it a perfect relaxing herbal tea, and it’s super high in antioxidants.
To learn more about rooibos and its benefits, be sure to check out our spotlight post about rooibos and honeybush teas.
If you want to jazz this tea up even further and complete your transatlantic cruise to England, why not add a sprinkle of the extremely sophisticated Relaxing Pure French Lavender from our new Blend@Home range? It goes beautifully with Earl Grey, and will have you sailing away to the gardens of Pemberley with a London Fog tea!

A Note From Lauren
Although it's been said a million times, there’s nothing quite like settling down on the sofa with a cup of tea and a good book. During times of high stress, taking a break can be extremely beneficial for both your body and mind - so you might as well make the most of it with a cup of healthy and delicious tea!
If you’ve read any of these books, let us know what you thought of them in the comments! And if you have any recommendations for books you loved, be sure to share those too - I’m always on the lookout for new books to devour.
Roasted Ginger Chai Yerba Mate Wake up and get healthy with this gingery mate chai, blended with exotic spices from India. |
Ideal if you need to feel calm and focused, thanks to its antioxidants and high caffeine
Smooth and strong, with powerful aromas and flavors of roasted rice |
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All of the information regarding the herbs, botanicals, minerals, vitamins, etc., is information drawn from traditional use data or academic research and should be regarded as such. If you, the reader, has a health or medical concern, please consult your healthcare professional. The information found here is not meant to diagnose, treat, prescribe or cure and has not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is for educational purposes only.
@Cam – Glad it’s useful!
@Hirth – Good question! I’m a bit biased towards tea, so highly recommend “Tea: The Drink That Changed The World: A History of the Drink That Changed the World” by John Griffiths for non-fiction, and for a biography “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer is about as gripping as you can get. Happy reading and steeping!
Elizabeth Taeed, co-founder, MatchaAlternatives
Any recs for nonfiction and biography?
This is great for spicing up book club! Thanks for the idea!
Cam C.